Thursday, June 30, 2011

Coastal Scents Haul

Yippeee!!! Coastal Scents is having a great sale on some of their best palettes. I have been wanting the 66 lip palette forever and when I heard of this sale and saw that the lip color palette was on it I jumped on. I purchased the 66 lip color palette and the 10 concealer camouflage palette. I use the camo quad concealer palette in dark and I love it. Though I only get use out of the medium color it fits me perfectly and I almost never leave my house without dabbing a bit under my eyes. Well they don't sell the camo quads in the summer which I didn't know so I purchased the concealer palette. The picture on the site looked like there were about 3 shades I could use but in person I think I may be able to use about 4 of the shades which is sooo worth the 11 bucks it cost.

They also sent me a free eyeshadow sample of Golden moss which is a gorgeous goldish green kinda color along with a small makeup bag for spending over 20 bucks.

**I'll do a few review after I try these out...I am soo excited about the blues.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mr. Everything Style Chicken over Rice

If you live in Atlanta, especially if you went to school in the AUC I am sure that you have heard of Mr. Everything Cafe. If not then please get yourself over there ASAP---->870 Martin Luther King Junior Drive Southwest, Atlanta, GA 30314-3642

Anyway everytime I go I always get the Healthy Choice Chicken over Yellow Rice. Basically it is grilled chicken, all my fave veggies, and cheese piled high over yellow rice. It is a healthy option when you consider all the veggies involved but the serving size is colossal. So, if you are greedy like me I'd definitly plan on sharing this cause you might end up eating more than you need. You could also get steak, shrimp, salmon, lamb, or no meat at all over rice.

If you can't make it over there then it is really easy to make at home and I have a recipe that I think is a little better than theres because its a little more seasoned. And the beauty of making it at home is that there are no limitations. You can use whatever meat, veggies, cheese, rice, season, whatever...

Veggies- As I said you can use whatever you want but here are my faves

Meat- I always use Chicken but you can mix or match whatever
-smoked sausage (turkey is healthier)

Yellow rice- I use Mahatma's spicy yellow rice

Cheese- I use Kraft casserole cheese which is a mix of about 3 or 4 diff cheeses.

*Make the rice according to directions on package
*Season the chicken with salt, pepper, and garlic powder and sautee in olive oil over medium-high heat
*After chicken is done set aside and cook veggies with a little butter and dash of salt and pepper (Make sure not to let your veggies get soggy, but firm with a little crunch still
*Put your rice on a plate and cover with chicken, veggies, and cheese.
*Slice tomatoes and cucumbers over top and serve with a little ranch on the side for dipping


**To make this even healthier use brown rice instead of yellow rice and boil rice in diluted Chicken stock instead of regular water for more flavor

Thursday, June 23, 2011

June Challenge update

I have lost count of what day I'm on but I am still going at the June Challenge. I workout 6 times a week instead of 5 and I am still having trouble sticking to the 1500 calorie diet but I am eating healthier foods. I guess I just need to plan my meals better so that I'm not so hungry between meals. My workouts consist of running around Morehouses track, running/walking up Morehouses bleachers, and walking long distances (at least 3 miles) around my neighborhood. If the weather is too bad to walk outside I do a workout DVD or play on my Wii. Also this week I plan on adding weight lifting to my workout routine.

I have not weighed myself because I hate the scale but for the sake of the challenge I'll weigh myself at the end of the month to see my progress. I have also decided on a reward to give myself once I get to the halfway point. I've been wanting to color my hair for a while now and so to motivate myself even more I've decided not to color my hair until I've lost 30 lbs. So wish me luck and I wish all of you out there striving to reach a goal much luck also.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 3 :-)

So I was going to wait until the end of the week to blog about my workouts but today I was so motivated I couldn't hold it in. Today is Day 3 of my official June challenge but Day 4 of working out. My thoughts so far are that I love the working out part, it feels so good after you've ran up the bleachers or ran a lap, it's a high I can't explain. Like I'm on cloud 9 right now. It's a stress reliever and nothing feels better than coming down from a sprint to realize that life is short and I shouldn't let people or anything bother me.

Anyway with all that being said I am having problems sticking to the 1500 calorie intake (yikes). It is sooo hard but I know I can do it just have to do better tomorrow.

Monday, June 6, 2011

June's Fitness Challege (by Curliebelle) DAY 1

This challenge is not my own but one that I found on Curliebelle's blog "Skinny Chick in the Making. The rules are simple:

1. Workout 5 days a week for at least 35-40 minutes with 2 rest days.

2. Drink at least 8 bottles of water (64 ounces of water) each day.

3. Daily calorie target is 1200-1500 calories.

4. Weigh-ins on Day 1, Day 15, and Day 30.

5. No Excuses

Today is my first day of officially starting and I am off to a good start and I'll go running around Morehouse's track later when the sun goes down. I am taking this one day at a time and I'll stick to 1500 calories of healthy foods.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Swim cute

If and only if I weren't living off of a grad students salary all of these would be mine. Oh well a girl can wish can't she. These swimsuits are the latest in Monif C's swim collection.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


This is my fro as of June 3rd. I washed my hair with Giovannis shampoo, conditioned with Herbal Essences Hello Hydration, and used Kimmay's leave-in conditionar then styled with eco styling gel and voila.

Lately my go-to hairstyle has been two strand twist and twist-out but twisting my hair takes too much time and I just didn't feel like doing it yesterday. However I will have to by the end of the week cause its a great low maintenance hairstyle once its done.

One thing that suprises me about my hair still to this day is the amount of shrinkage I mean sheesh, looking at my fro you would never think that my hair is actually shoulder length. (shrugs) Oh well that is apart of having kinky curly hair.