It was by complete accident that I found these. I was checking my online shopping email and I had a bunch of coupons (expired Eff Me) from various places which led me to browsing DSW's website. It was their website that I found the second shoe which is by Carlos Santana and only, hold on now, $59.95 and I have a $10.00 off coupon, shut-up. So after I saw them I started searching for a picture of them to put here right and thats when I found this super cool website that shows you all the hot stuff that celebs wear and a look-a-like that is less expensive. That's where I found the second shoe by N.Y.L.A which they also have at DSW for $99.95. So who cares (I do) that they don't have the signature red bottom that we all know and love Lou for (yeah we on a nick-name basis, say something) and who cares that they are not suede (me) I really like the first pair and I plan on getting them ASAP!!
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