Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Healthy Eating Challenge

My biggest problem with losing weight is eating out. I eat out almost every day of the week sometimes more than once per day. This week I am challenging myself to only eat meals that I've prepared myself from home. This includes homecooking everything and nothing microwaveable. This will take a lot of time because I'll have to plan each meal and snacks but it is worth it because I like to cook and I think my cooking is better than most restaurants. Last night, I made spicy cajun chicken, rice, and green beans wih tomatos and it was delish!!

I think this will cause me to try new recipes and be a little adventurous in the kitchen. I'll keep you all posted on how it goes and new recipes that I try. My hope is to reduce eating out to only twice a month and to add variety to what I can cook.


  1. A really good healthy, quick, and easy meal that I started making in college is: Chicken Tacos.

    All you need is:
    - Boneless Chicken (Walmart gives you the most for you buck)
    - Tortillas (comes in like 5, 8, or 10)
    - Bag of Lettuce
    - Bag of Cheese
    - Jar of Salsa
    (And whatever else you like, sour cream - peppers, etc).

    How to make it:
    - Chop chicken up (small squares)
    - Pop it in the oven or put it on a pan to fry.
    - Let it cook for 20minutes.
    - Let tortillas sit in the oven (separate from chicken) for about 10 min on 350 degrees -- optional.
    And wallah! You're done! Quick & Easy. =]

    (I hope you like tacos after all of this ;]! lol)

    Best of wishes on your home meals. =]. I hope they are beneficial to you.

    Kimberly, FWB

  2. Awww thank you, I'll try this sometime this week

  3. That dish that you made sounds yummy. I think one of the biggest things that has helped me is not eating out. The only thing is I'm a novice when it comes to cooking lol so I mostly stick to simple dishes.

    I love the challenge that you are doing.

  4. Thank you, I love to cook but a lot of times I don't take the time out to do it...it is soo easy to just pick something up from somewhere. I've been doing pretty well so far though.


    By the way, we're hosting a chatroom tomorrow at 8pm eastern and we'd love to see you there. Our last one was a HUGE success and we were able to meet tons of new people because everyone repped their blogs & twitter names for the final 30 minutes! Hope to see you there! You'll be sure to have a blast!! =]

    Kimberly, FWB
