Saturday, February 20, 2010

You Should Never Ever Marry For Money....

Tyra had a very interesting episode come on the other day, enough for me to blog about. While no one should marry just for money, it should be on your list of criteria. Wait a minute hear me out now, I'm no "golddigger" trust me but I would be lying if I said I didn't want my future husband to have some kinda stacks in the bank. I'm sure you feel the same way. I plan on having my own stacks and I don't want to be married to a man without his own. I'm old school, I want my husband to make more than me, I want him to bring home the bacon and pay the bills while I pay for all the extras #Imoldschoolsowhat. I don't know what the stats are but when I googled reasons for failed marriages I found that finances was #1 or #2. I don't want money to be an issue in my marriage so I figured if we both have it then there is no issue, right? So I want to be in love with a man with money. With that being said I wouldn't marry only for money but it is definitly on my list of criteria disguised by the word successful, lol.

S/B- I wanted to smack the ish out of the lady who said "scrong" and "conversate"

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