I'm way too hype. I love thrillers and Freddy was my fave when I was a kid.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Hair stuff

I haven't used it yet but I'll let you know how I like it when I do. I bought this for $8 from Kroger. The tag line "Leaves Hair Sillky with Less Frizz" is what got me. Anyway here is the website description:
Fortified with Herbal Extracts and Vitamins A, C and E. Leaves Hair Silky, with Less Frizz
JASON Aloe Vera 84% Conditioner nourishes hair with Panthenol-3™, vitamins and minerals, while it strengthens with Spirulina (micro-algae), 3 Proteins and 22 Keratin Amino Acids. This conditioner leaves your hair soft, silky and manageable—even if you use a blow dryer, curling iron or hot rollers. It's gentle enough for daily use.
Also, I am looking for a natural leave-in conditionar so if y'all know of any please let me know.
black hair,
kinky hair,
natural hair,
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
5 pounds later

I lost 5 whole pounds. Yaaaayyyy!!!! Some of you don't know but I have been working out for about a month now. I just recently started actually eating healthier too. I am finally seeing the fruits of my labor on the scale. I'm gonna be honest I haven't noticed any differences in my body but I have notcied that I can work out longer and harder and I actually want to work out. It used to be that I had to drag myself to the gym but now I feel horrible when I don't go. I'm so happy!!! I'm giving myself 1 year to reach my target weight, which I will reveal later. I also want to take the time out to give shouts out to my gym partner @Chellyissuprbad.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
I'm 9 and I Hate My Face/Brownskin Girls Unite
I can kinda relate to the first girl in the video. When I was younger I wanted to be lightskin. My momma only bought us black Barbie dolls but I remember one being lightskin with light brown and blonde straight hair and the other being darkskin with long thick kinky hair. I always wanted to play with the lightskin doll and it wasn't until I got to Spelman (Thank God for Spelman) that I understood why. Lightskin=beauty to me when I was a kid, not to mention my momma is lightskin. I don't wanna blame the media but when all you see is one type of girl in the magazines and stuff it implants something in your brain that tells you this is the way you should look, this is what beauty is. Now that I am an adult I know that I don't have to be lightskin to be pretty and I am a beautiful brownskin woman. In fact I would play with the brownskin Barbie with the big bushy hair today. I want to help other girls be happy with themselves whether they have issues with their weight or skin complexion or whatever makes them feel not so pretty, so I applied for a little sister through the Big Brother/Big Sister program and I should be getting paired up with someone in April.
You Should Never Ever Marry For Money....
Tyra had a very interesting episode come on the other day, enough for me to blog about. While no one should marry just for money, it should be on your list of criteria. Wait a minute hear me out now, I'm no "golddigger" trust me but I would be lying if I said I didn't want my future husband to have some kinda stacks in the bank. I'm sure you feel the same way. I plan on having my own stacks and I don't want to be married to a man without his own. I'm old school, I want my husband to make more than me, I want him to bring home the bacon and pay the bills while I pay for all the extras #Imoldschoolsowhat. I don't know what the stats are but when I googled reasons for failed marriages I found that finances was #1 or #2. I don't want money to be an issue in my marriage so I figured if we both have it then there is no issue, right? So I want to be in love with a man with money. With that being said I wouldn't marry only for money but it is definitly on my list of criteria disguised by the word successful, lol.
S/B- I wanted to smack the ish out of the lady who said "scrong" and "conversate"
Friday, February 12, 2010
We Are The World 2010
Stuff like this gives me hope in humanity. Not that I have lost hope completely but the world we live in today is full of wicked people. I am glad that celebs can come together to try and make a difference. It's really touching.
Michael Jackson,
We Are The World
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Rihanna-Rude Boy
My fave outfit was the dress made out of broken records but all of them were sick!!
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