Last night I finished reading this book which is basically a diet plan for women trying to lose weight but don't want to have to give up their favorite foods. The authors are two very accomplished women, one who is single and a food critic, the other is a married mother of two and an author.
The diet basically is to eat whatever it is you crave in small portions but counteract it with large portions of fresh fruits and veggies. My problem with this is what I call the lays-potato-chip syndrome, once you have one bite you just can't stop eating it. In the book they kept reiterating eat a few bites then throw the rest away. So if you are having a doughnut from Krispy Kreme then also have fruit and yogurt, take a couple bites of the doughnut, throw it away, then get full off of the fruit and yogurt. Some people may be able to do that but my thing is that if I paid for the doughnut I'm gonna eat the whole thing and not only the fact that I paid for it but the fact that it is so good I am not gonna want to throw it away, in fact I may want another one when I am done with it.
However, I do agree with feeding your craving because if you are like me then you will not be satisfied until you have tamed your beastly craving. If I don't give into my craving I will crave it for weeks until I do, as a matter of fact I have been craving cuban food for the past few weeks now. You just have to be smart about your craving and ask yourself what is it that I really want then search for the best alternative. For example, the other day I craved fried chicken, but what I really wanted was something crispy and juicy, well I know that fried chicken is not the best choice for me to achieve my weight loss goal so I had the alternative which was baked chicken coated with crispy french fried onions. Sometimes I crave cake and cookies and in cases like that I really just need something really sweet so I usually just drink a glass of juice or snack on cereal and that usually does the trick.
The book does give great tips on how not to over eat or how not to just eat because. Basically you just have to eat slow and really take the time out to enjoy your meal, avoid eating on the go, and if at a restaurant have the waiter put half of your meal in a to-go box before he serves it to you. To avoid eating just because we should keep ourselves busy so that we won't be eating just to have something to do, I use to be so guilty of that, or if we are at a social event where there is food involved and you aren't really hungry but everyone else is eating then you just have to practice saying no and always remember your goals.
Overall, I wouldn't recommend this book unless you have a well organized weight loss goal that is really working for you and you just want a few ideas to make it even better. If you don't have an organized plan this book could be misleading and have you thinking you can really eat whatever you want and still lose weight. This book is more of a fad diet than a lifestyle change.